Since 1856, we have been brewing our beer with water from our own source in Vimmerby. And all of the knowledge we have gained with each passing generation has guided our development and helped us perfect our craft.
As Sweden’s oldest family-owned brewery, we love what we do — just as much today as when we started in 1856. Since our founding, we have always embraced our passion for transforming ideas into action and our courage to invest in what we believe in.
The year Åbro Bryggeri was founded
Million litres of beverage sold globally in 2023
Export markets
We are proud of the work we have done to ensure we leave as small an environmental footprint as possible. Åbro Bryggeri invests heavily in renewable energy. Since 2015, all of the energy we use has been completely fossil-free — our production runs on solar, steam, and hydropower.
In 2022, we began constructing our very own solar park, located right next to our brewery. Today it is Sweden's largest industrial solar park, spanning 100,000 square meters. The park is expected to generate 8,500,000 kWh per year, an output that enables us to be self-sufficient on solar power alone.
Åbro Bryggeri was founded in 1856 and has been owned by the Dunge family since 1898, making us Sweden’s oldest family-owned brewery.
Here at Åbro Bryggeri, long-term sustainability is one of our core values. Our vision is to continue delivering our products to Swedes and consumers around the world for decades to come. That is why it is important to us to take responsibility for the future and ensure we are a sustainable actor — for business, for the environment and for society.
We believe in so much more than just brewing really good beer. Together we can be the force for good that not only improves our brewery and transforms our industry but also preserves the local community and helps shape the future we want to live in.
Learn more about our sustainability work in our Sustainability Report here.
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